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The Three Melissas: The Practical Guide to Surviving Homelessness
The Three Melissas: The Practical Guide to Surviving Homelessness

Diane Nilan and Diana Bowman interviewed three moms who experienced homelessness. These heroic women also happened to share the named Melissa. Diane and Diana share their expertise as they provide helpful hints to families new to homelessness. As homelessness grows across the nation - this book becomes more and more necessary.


Bonnie Tweedy Shaw (Illustrator), et al.
Bonnie Tweedy Shaw (Illustrator), Diana Bowman, et al.


Diane Nilan

Diane Nilan

Book Author

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Founder/pres. HEAR US Inc., gives voice & visibility to homeless families & youth, ran shelters, advocate, filmmaker, author, 20 yrs. on US backroads. hearus.us